While I wouldn't go so far as to say "running is comfortable," even after a year, it is certainly more enjoyable than it was a year ago. I have a pace that is comfortable; it hovers around the 11'04" mark. I've run faster on several occassions, but this is probably my average now. I would really like to bring that down a bit, maybe around the 10'30" mark. I'm kinda lost on how to do it. I did try that one trick of running faster during the chorus of songs, and that helped. But I haven't been in the mood to do it since. So my new idea is to re-do the couch to 5k program, but only when I have to workout on the treadmill at the gym (rainy days, which are in abundance here in Seattle), using a higher speed than I am used to on the running sections of the program. I cannot for the life of me run much faster for any length of time than a 4.5 on the treadmill...even though the pace for tht is much slower than what I run outside! So, I think I will bump it up to a 5.5 or 6.0 during the running sections and see what happens. I am hoping that it improves my pace, although if that's the pace that I tend to run outside...maybe it won't. But it's worth a try!
I'm on pager this week, so no swimming for me. :(
We are two ladies, born 14 hours apart, now living 1600 miles apart, both struggling with weight loss. The Knitter lives a fairly tech-savvy lifestyle full of apps and gadgets. Megamom lives a more rural lifestyle, full of lakes and trails. Both of us have lots of distractions: Megamom has 10 kids! The Knitter has...a very large cat. Both of us can make a long list of things that keep us from eating well and working out, but we both want to change that - with the unique tools that each of us has.
We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.
We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.
Using a HR monitor and keeping my HR at 80% of Max Heart Rate for 2 runs a week and then doing speed work once a week is what helped me with my pace. If you're consistent, your fitness will improve and the same effort will produce better results. The weather and how hydrated you are will impact how hard it feels too.