We are two ladies, born 14 hours apart, now living 1600 miles apart, both struggling with weight loss. The Knitter lives a fairly tech-savvy lifestyle full of apps and gadgets. Megamom lives a more rural lifestyle, full of lakes and trails. Both of us have lots of distractions: Megamom has 10 kids! The Knitter has...a very large cat. Both of us can make a long list of things that keep us from eating well and working out, but we both want to change that - with the unique tools that each of us has.

We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So Easy

No, I don't mean that dieting/being healthy is so easy.  I mean that it's so easy to get off track.  I spent four weeks doing really well and then I got sick last week.  So I "took the week off" and promptly gained nearly three pounds!  This week has been erratic and busyish and it's making it hard to get back on track again.  It really sucks.

I can tell the difference, too, in my attitude, energy, lethargy, and of course the scale.  I would feel better if I would just get the endorphins going.

The weather also has not been cooperative, which makes running difficult.  Excuses excuses.

Things I need to do: clean the kitchen and buy groceries so I can actually prepare lunches for the week and dinners, go to the gym, blah blah.  Everything I know I need to do sometimes feels really hard.

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