We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Good Girl!
I didn't work out last night, although I tried to rationalize it with the fact on Sunday I swam double what I generally do so it was kinda like two workouts. Tonight I have off. Hopefully tomorrow I can get something in. I probably should run, but the weather has been crappy and I don't enjoy running on the treadmill. Walking random inclines isn't so bad, but less satisfying than completing a run. Maybe the ellipical then. Hmm. Decisions, decisions!
On a roll and its not even buttered
Monday, March 28, 2011
Happy Hour?
HUMMUS:A delectable blend of garbanzo beans, tahini, garlic, lemon and parsley. Served with tomato, cucumber, red onion, kalamata olives and warm pita wedges.
DUBLIN BRIE: Brie cheese, beer-battered and fried ‘till crisp and melted. Served with fruit and brown bread.
SMOKED SALMON PLATTER: Alder smoked Salmon, arranged with cucumbers, cream cheese, red onions, capers, and our Irish Brown Bread for your enjoyment.
CHICKEN STRIPS:Tender breaded fried chicken strips, served with ranch dressing.
PEASANT BREAD AND CHEESE PLATTER:A selection of assorted fine cheeses and artesian bread, served with balsamic vinaigrette for dipping.
HAND CUT FRENCH FRIES: Double-fried until crisp yet tender. Mildly seasoned and served with tartar.
The hummus plate actually might not be too bad. Nor the salmon platter. The bread and cheese platter is questionable. The other two - probably not good at all. And these are just the appetizers. Who knows what kind of happy hour foods they have that aren't on this list!
I would like to work out tonight...but I don't know if it will work out. Wish me luck!
Spring break begins
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Back on Track
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I accomplished my weekly goals: I swam on Monday night and then last night I swam again, but twice the distance that I've been swimming. I swam 22 laps (50 yards/lap), took a 15 minute hot tub break, and then swam the next 18 laps for a total of 2000 yards! And I didn't have a night time snack every night this week, but when I did, I had fruit. The interesting thing is, a couple times I got to that 9 or 10 pm time when I start to think about a snack and I would remember I needed to have fruit and I wouldn't really want fruit so I would skip the snack altogether, which I think is telling. I obviously wasn't all that hungry so why consume calories? However, I those were nights that I didn't eat all my points then, which then I worry about not eating enough.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Weigh in
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sushi Day
Tonight is my night off from working out. Swimming tomorrow. My running pace was a little slow last night at Greenlake but I blame it on the strong wind, having to run like it's a slalom course due to the park being packed with people on one of the first nice days we've had, and taking a very brief walking respite. But, I ran 2.8 miles instead of the 2.5 I've been running, so that's an improvement. It still feels a bit like cheating since last year I consistently ran 5k, but after this many months off from running I guess I need to ease back into it.
Even though I've only lost about 5 pounds, this week I've actually felt thinner. That's a great feeling.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The shop vac workout
What Day is It?
The Wii says I was up .2 from yesterday, which is odd since I underate yesterday and ate well. I'm not overly worked up over it - it's not like it counts until Saturday morning 11 am. But still I want the number to be down EVERY day!
Every Wednesday at work, we get bagels. I've decided not to feel guilty about this caloric splurge since it's just once a week and I have the Points for it.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day Off
I'm forcing myself to drink more water this week, too. I start out by drinking a bottle of water on my way to work. That also helps to curb the temptation to stop and get soda. That temptation is much less now. I still look forward to it on the weekend, but I notice now that I plan a bit better. Like, I'll stop and think, "Do I want it now, when it's 1 pm? Or would I rather wait and save it for while I watch a movie tonight?" It was also satisfying on Sunday when I realized that the soda from Taco Bell was actually less soda than the bottle that I usually get. I had that moment of, Hey I could get a can to make up the difference and then later it settled into, Hey, this amount was fine. Small victories!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Yummy Lunch
I made some beef stew last night for lunches this week and it was delicious. Beef, yams, carrots, mushrooms, beef broth. I got a lot of soup, too. Usually a serving is about a cup, but this soup was double that. I was looking forward to it, today, too, which helps with any temptation to go out and get something bad.
Tonight I am hoping to get a swim in.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I bought an herb garden kit at Target yesterday. I've always wanted to grow the common herbs like parsley and cilantro and experiment with cooking with them. It's kind of expensive to buy some of them fresh in the grocery store and I never seem to use all of it before it goes bad. I don't know how long it will take to grow enough to use....
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Good and Bad
Knitter Weigh-in
I nearly hit my eating goal this last week; I didn't eat vegetables in the afternoon last Saturday or yesterday (unless I can count beer as a vegetable?). Five out of seven days isn't so bad. I did hit my workout goal and hope to try that again, although not as an official goal. I did drink diet soda more this week, about one a day, but it's better than drinking Mountain Dew every day, several times a day! I stuck to just drinking it on the weekend, and just once a day. I think that's a more manageable and realistic expectation of myself, for now at least.
It's sunny today, so I might try for a run.
Friday, March 18, 2011
New Shoes
They felt pretty good. There was no magical "ahhhh" feeling when I ran in them. I had hoped that suddenly I would be able to run at a 9'00" pace for an hour at a time. But maybe that will happen later. :) I am not crazy about the color; there's too much orange on it for my liking. But they feel good, so that's what really matters. I like my running shoes to fit really close; I don't want it to feel loose anywhere. I tried on around six pairs before I settled on my Brookes Defyance4s. Last year's shoes were also Brookes, coincidentally. It hurts a bit, paying $100 for a pair of shoes, but it's worth it in the end.
I am happy to report that the beer bash was successful in that I didn't overeat: one beer, a bit of Irish soda bread, a tiny bit of brisket, and a cinnamon roll-like thing called a T-roll (or something).
Weigh in tomorrow!
Weigh In Day - Megamom
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Faster, Faster!
Today was sushi day. Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like sushi!
Tomorrow is our beer bash at work....gotta limit myself since it's the day before weigh in!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Saying thanks but no thanks
Not Much to Blog
Unfortunately, I don't think we're quite there yet.
I think I am going to get to run outside tonight, should the rain hold off.
I have Roma tomatoes and half an avocado planned for my vegi afternoon snack. I know that both of those are technically fruit. Get over it. Today they're vegetables.
I have no idea what I will have for dinner. I didn't prep anything this weekend for the week, for either lunch or dinner. So far it's worked out okay. I worry about Friday though. That's always the day I want to eat out. I think it stems from when I was a kid and it was Mom's payday and we were more apt to eat out on that day. But since weigh in on Saturday, it's not really a good idea. It's part of the reason I set it up like that. It's one more day I can't give myself permission to go crazy.
I've taken to putting Xs on my calendar at work on the days I worked out. It's like getting a sticker. I like stickers.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Finding the time
11 am
I've been on an egg kick lately. Mostly scrambled eggs. You'd think that one egg would be sufficient, but sometimes two eggs doesn't feel like enough although now I make myself stop at two. This morning I added a little bit of reduced fat cheese and two Morning Star Farms sausage links and a light English muffin with strawberry jam. That was well worth waiting for.
Today is supposed to be my rest day from working out. I walked random hills on the treadmill yesterday. Still gotta figure out how to work on training to speed up my pace...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Week Two
I had one soda on each of the weekend days. It was delicious. Although, I think last night it kept me awake later than I'd have liked. I had it kind of late and having the diminished amount throughout the week re-sensitized me to it. I am thinking about having a diet soda this afternoon, although I am grappling with the idea. More and more studies are coming out that diet soda is maybe worse for you than regular soda, just in different ways. And, I like the idea of saving soda for the weekend or "special occassions." I do have some Crystal Light at work now, so maybe I will make some of that.
I packed some cauliflower and dip for my daily goal of an afternoon vegetable snack.
Yesterday afternoon I was at a little soiree where there was a ton of delicious food (7 layer taco dip - a tempation of mine). I managed to take quite a few vegetables although I suspect that the dip I took was in no way low fat. I skipped the cake (only because it was German chocolate, which I don't like) but had two chocolate chip cookies. And wine. Four glasses of wine. Wine is at least moderately better for you than soda. It's so hard to be good at parties. It's hard to be social at all when you're trying to control what you're eating. No wonder why people claim to lose friends when they're dieting.
Weekends are hard
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Knitter Weigh In Day
It's raining today, so I am going to have to workout inside...Generally I take Saturdays off from working out. So, still undecided.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Eating Out
It's hard to eat out and "be good." I am not satisfied eating salad or chicken breast when I am at a restaurant. I want things that I wouldn't ordinarily make for myself. I love mashed potatoes. Alfredo sauce. Sour cream. Limitless tortilla chips and bread baskets. I am not to the point yet where I can take one piece of bread from the basket and then feel satisfied with that.
This week wasn't too bad with the soda. I've made it through without indulging, although there were times when I felt like caving. I don't know that I want to become a soda tetotaler; this week I needed to detox a bit since I'd been drinking a lot of soda.
I did manager to squeeze in a weak 10 minute long strength routine. Definitely need to improve that next week.
My new goals for the week
Weigh In Day
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So far, still haven't had any soda this week. It hasn't been unbearable. Today I kinda wanted one again, so that's why I went for coffee.
I still need to fit in my strength training. Maybe tomorrow between end of work and the next activity...or if it's slow, sneak out during work briefly. Technically I reached my 3 cardio workouts on Monday...but I really want to burn off some of this stress with a run. It's super windy today so I don't know what that's going to mean for the pace. I meant to do my strength training last night after dinner, and then I fell asleep. Woops!
When I weighed in on the Wii today, I hadn't gained or lost. Hmph!
Slip ups
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Stress and Soda
For the 15 minutes it took to down it. I'm sure.
So, instead of giving in, I have poured some coffee and dumped in sugar free hot chocolate mix. Not at all the same thing as Mountain Dew. But, it gives my hand something to hold. Sure, I probably should be drinking water. Baby steps, baby steps.
Yesterday was my day off from working out. I was going to run again tonight but it's raining (hard, too, for Seattle) so I think I'll do the strength training that I vowed to do at least once this week. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will improve and then I will take Friday of and weigh in on Saturday like usual. If the Wii isn't lying, I am already over a pound down for the week. Wahoo!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
My new bike
This is what we have to do to bike in winter , here in Minnesota. Winter goes on forever ... we make do with what we got!
This is a better start pic. Taken today. It's a little blurry since it was taken on my phone.
This Isn't So Bad
Before photo
As you can see -- its always busy here ...note child in the background! I will post a 2nd side view in which you see more of where my weight resides.
Slightly less Gadget like
Monday, March 7, 2011
Before picture
Although I lost a little more weight after this picture was taken in October, I gained in the new year, so I figure this is probably a pretty accurate picture. My hair is shorter now. That's about it. :)
Gadgets and Gizmos
- Wii: About a year ago I got an itch to purchase a Wii. I told myself for awhile that that was a silly purchase. Why do I need yet another thing to keep me planted on the couch, far from writing, and I couldn't even knit and play Wii at the same time. (Nor are there any Wii knitting games unfortunately). Then I found the Wii Fit Plus game and balance board...at exactly the time when they became impossible to find in this area. I stalked, no exaggeration, at least 10 Targets in this area and they all told me the same thing, that they would be out soon but right now there was a backlog. However, all my Wisconsin relatives boasted that they had one and their stores were overwhelmed with Wii Fits and were practically giving them away because there were so many. (ok, maybe that's an exaggeration). Sure enough, when I went a couple weeks later (not to buy a Wii Fit specifically) there they were. So I purchased one and shoved it in my suitcase. Since my deal with myself was that I wouldn't buy the Wii until I could buy the Wii Fit at the same time, I prompty returned to Kirkland and bought one. I love weighing myself on it. I like the Wii Fit games, although they don't really burn that many calories. But any movement is better than nothing. I also have tried a couple different exercise games, and so far like the EA Games one the best. Although...you wouldn't know it given that I've only done it twice....
- Ipod touch: A year ago I lost my ipod nano. I knew it was in the house someplace but unless my large cat ate it to teach me a lesson, I couldn't find it. And I needed it. I had just started running again and didn't want to lose momentum since I am not a silent runner; I need music. So I broke down and bought a new Ipod touch. Which, I love immensely because then I could get apps, which I'd coveted since I couldn't get an Iphone (darn T-mobile contract). I wish that some of the apps I like to use would be rolled out for my HTC phone, but alas, they haven't. I long for one device to rule the world!
- Nike+: This app is awesome. I did have to buy the shoe sensor (about $25) that the app "talks" to when I am running. But it captures all my running data and displays it all nice and pretty on the Nike+ website. You can set up goals on the site and it gives you lovely trophies when you hit the mark, which are oddly satisfying. Also, when you hit a new record in distance or speed, after the run, a sporty celebrity congratulates you, which is again, oddly satisfying.
- Garmin: Last summer I had suspicians that my Nike+ wasn't all that accurate. Megamom swears by her Garmin and talked me into it. Admittedly, I didn't explore all the facets it offers. And, since I must have music when I run, it was just another thing I had to drag out with me. And in the end, when I compared (by wearing both the Garmin and the Nike+) they weren't that far off. So it's gathering dust. But, I do like it for bike riding because the Nike+ only works for running.
- Weight Watchers: Sure, they have a lovely website where I can add in everything that I am tracking...but I feel odd having that window open at work. But guess what, they have a free app! And as long as you're at least an e-member, you can track on the app. You can track food and exercise and read articles. The only limitation that it has, for my purposes at least, is it doesn't have the recipe builder that the website has.
- SparkPeople: Another app....chock full of recipes. There's a website, too, but why use that when you have an app?
- Fitbit: This is the newest acquisition, purchased at the Microsoft store at the mall. I haven't gotten it functioning yet (my laptop won't recognize it) but if it would just work, I think it would be pretty nifty. it just clips onto your waisteband and tracking calories that you're burning, and steps taken, etc. And the cool part of it, you can wear it at night and tracks how deeply you're sleeping! It's a little pricy (about $100), but I think if I can get it to work it will be a cool thing.
I think that's it for the well used gadgets. Of course this doesn't include websites I frequently peruse. Are websites even techy any more?
Filled my liter water bottle and have been drinking from that instead. I did have some green tea, too.