We are two ladies, born 14 hours apart, now living 1600 miles apart, both struggling with weight loss. The Knitter lives a fairly tech-savvy lifestyle full of apps and gadgets. Megamom lives a more rural lifestyle, full of lakes and trails. Both of us have lots of distractions: Megamom has 10 kids! The Knitter has...a very large cat. Both of us can make a long list of things that keep us from eating well and working out, but we both want to change that - with the unique tools that each of us has.

We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not Much to Blog

I wonder when Megamom and I will get to the point where we don't really have anything to blog that's food struggle or exercise struggle related.  I mean, that's kinda the goal, right?  To get to the point where your weight is good and you have good eating and workout habits and it's so ingrained that you look at the blog and aren't thinking of the chocolate you secretly ate or the liter of Mountain Dew you'd like to drink (okay, maybe that one is just mine) or trying to put off working out because curling up on the couch for a week watching Biggest Loser while eating Taco Bell and Cheetos sounds like way more fun. 

Unfortunately, I don't think we're quite there yet.

I think I am going to get to run outside tonight, should the rain hold off.

I have Roma tomatoes and half an avocado planned for my vegi afternoon snack.  I know that both of those are technically fruit.  Get over it.  Today they're vegetables.

I have no idea what I will have for dinner.  I didn't prep anything this weekend for the week, for either lunch or dinner.  So far it's worked out okay.  I worry about Friday though.  That's always the day I want to eat out.  I think it stems from when I was a kid and it was Mom's payday and we were more apt to eat out on that day.  But since weigh in on Saturday, it's not really a good idea.  It's part of the reason I set it up like that.  It's one more day I can't give myself permission to go crazy. 

I've taken to putting Xs on my calendar at work on the days I worked out.  It's like getting a sticker.  I like stickers.

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