We are two ladies, born 14 hours apart, now living 1600 miles apart, both struggling with weight loss. The Knitter lives a fairly tech-savvy lifestyle full of apps and gadgets. Megamom lives a more rural lifestyle, full of lakes and trails. Both of us have lots of distractions: Megamom has 10 kids! The Knitter has...a very large cat. Both of us can make a long list of things that keep us from eating well and working out, but we both want to change that - with the unique tools that each of us has.

We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day One

Well, it's 10 am. I need to weigh myself still on the Wii and I am putting it off. It's sunny, so maybe I can go for a run later today. I also want to scour my cookbooks and make a list of ingredients for things I want to cook for the week so I don't have any excuses for eating fast food. I'm used to drinking as much soda on the weekends as my bloodstream will possibly allow, so day one of no soda should be...interesting. I'd like to know, is it the caffeine? Is it the sugar? Is it just the habit of constantly drinking something? I'll check in later. At 12:30ish I went for a run since it's so lovely outside. I've even turned off the heat in the house and opend the patio door a bit! It felt nice to get outside, although I ran the hilly 5k course around my neighborhood and I don't think I am quite ready for those hills yet - had to walk them. I love the rush of endorphins after a workout. I am telling myself that it's better than caffeine... And here it is 11:30 pm. It was a good day. No soda. Ate well. Went for a run. Took a nap. Bought groceries and even cooked a dinner I can eat for the rest of the week (polenta lasagna!). I even weighed myself again at the end of the day and I was down a pound, so some of the weight must have been from eating pretty terribly last night. Hopefully tomorrow will be as successful.

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