- Wii: About a year ago I got an itch to purchase a Wii. I told myself for awhile that that was a silly purchase. Why do I need yet another thing to keep me planted on the couch, far from writing, and I couldn't even knit and play Wii at the same time. (Nor are there any Wii knitting games unfortunately). Then I found the Wii Fit Plus game and balance board...at exactly the time when they became impossible to find in this area. I stalked, no exaggeration, at least 10 Targets in this area and they all told me the same thing, that they would be out soon but right now there was a backlog. However, all my Wisconsin relatives boasted that they had one and their stores were overwhelmed with Wii Fits and were practically giving them away because there were so many. (ok, maybe that's an exaggeration). Sure enough, when I went a couple weeks later (not to buy a Wii Fit specifically) there they were. So I purchased one and shoved it in my suitcase. Since my deal with myself was that I wouldn't buy the Wii until I could buy the Wii Fit at the same time, I prompty returned to Kirkland and bought one. I love weighing myself on it. I like the Wii Fit games, although they don't really burn that many calories. But any movement is better than nothing. I also have tried a couple different exercise games, and so far like the EA Games one the best. Although...you wouldn't know it given that I've only done it twice....
- Ipod touch: A year ago I lost my ipod nano. I knew it was in the house someplace but unless my large cat ate it to teach me a lesson, I couldn't find it. And I needed it. I had just started running again and didn't want to lose momentum since I am not a silent runner; I need music. So I broke down and bought a new Ipod touch. Which, I love immensely because then I could get apps, which I'd coveted since I couldn't get an Iphone (darn T-mobile contract). I wish that some of the apps I like to use would be rolled out for my HTC phone, but alas, they haven't. I long for one device to rule the world!
- Nike+: This app is awesome. I did have to buy the shoe sensor (about $25) that the app "talks" to when I am running. But it captures all my running data and displays it all nice and pretty on the Nike+ website. You can set up goals on the site and it gives you lovely trophies when you hit the mark, which are oddly satisfying. Also, when you hit a new record in distance or speed, after the run, a sporty celebrity congratulates you, which is again, oddly satisfying.
- Garmin: Last summer I had suspicians that my Nike+ wasn't all that accurate. Megamom swears by her Garmin and talked me into it. Admittedly, I didn't explore all the facets it offers. And, since I must have music when I run, it was just another thing I had to drag out with me. And in the end, when I compared (by wearing both the Garmin and the Nike+) they weren't that far off. So it's gathering dust. But, I do like it for bike riding because the Nike+ only works for running.
- Weight Watchers: Sure, they have a lovely website where I can add in everything that I am tracking...but I feel odd having that window open at work. But guess what, they have a free app! And as long as you're at least an e-member, you can track on the app. You can track food and exercise and read articles. The only limitation that it has, for my purposes at least, is it doesn't have the recipe builder that the website has.
- SparkPeople: Another app....chock full of recipes. There's a website, too, but why use that when you have an app?
- Fitbit: This is the newest acquisition, purchased at the Microsoft store at the mall. I haven't gotten it functioning yet (my laptop won't recognize it) but if it would just work, I think it would be pretty nifty. it just clips onto your waisteband and tracking calories that you're burning, and steps taken, etc. And the cool part of it, you can wear it at night and tracks how deeply you're sleeping! It's a little pricy (about $100), but I think if I can get it to work it will be a cool thing.
I think that's it for the well used gadgets. Of course this doesn't include websites I frequently peruse. Are websites even techy any more?
Filled my liter water bottle and have been drinking from that instead. I did have some green tea, too.
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