We are two ladies, born 14 hours apart, now living 1600 miles apart, both struggling with weight loss. The Knitter lives a fairly tech-savvy lifestyle full of apps and gadgets. Megamom lives a more rural lifestyle, full of lakes and trails. Both of us have lots of distractions: Megamom has 10 kids! The Knitter has...a very large cat. Both of us can make a long list of things that keep us from eating well and working out, but we both want to change that - with the unique tools that each of us has.

We're not competitive at all. No. Not us. At all.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sushi Day

I find that it's effective to have things to look forward to.  On Thursdays, I get sushi for lunch instead of bringing lunch.  It's an easy way to get in fish for the week.  It has a bit of carb to it, with the rice.  It's an 8 piece roll, which is plenty filling and low in Points for the day.  And, it feels decadent, which feels a bit like cheating, which is fun.  So, on Wednesday, when my zest for the lunch I made on Sunday for the week begins to diminish, I think about Thursday and that surely I can make it through another day of soup because sushi is coming.  I also have designated Fridays as Caprese sandwich day.  Because I'm obsessed with that sandwich.  So far it hasn't negatively impacted my weight loss so I will stick with it either until it doesn't work anymore....or until I am sick of mozarella.  Whichever comes first.  :)

Tonight is my night off from working out.  Swimming tomorrow.  My running pace was a little slow last night at Greenlake but I blame it on the strong wind, having to run like it's a slalom course due to the park being packed with people on one of the first nice days we've had, and taking a very brief walking respite.  But, I ran 2.8 miles instead of the 2.5 I've been running, so that's an improvement.  It still feels a bit like cheating since last year I consistently ran 5k, but after this many months off from running I guess I need to ease back into it.

Even though I've only lost about 5 pounds, this week I've actually felt thinner.  That's a great feeling.

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